Happy Tales

Happy Tales

Celebrating Forever Homes

We love hearing from Animal Rescue Project adopters. We love reading about your stories, and we love to receive photos.

Please send your happy tale and photos to our email box, Use the phrase Happy Tale in the Subject Line. Or upload your story and accompanying photos to our Facebook page.

We will post your stories here, so let us hear from you!

Six years ago you gave us a gift. You rescued and knew her as Evarista. We now call her Lucy. Forever happy, seldom sad, she greets my wife and I every day with a happy wag, looking for a rub. All my grandkids absolutely love her. Ever since the day you sent us her picture and I drove the 326 miles to your mission, we have loved her. She is extremely healthy and has not slowed down a bit. Again, thank you for rescuing her and bringing her into our lives. Note: Lucy/Evarista was rescued from the streets of Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. Over the years, ARP has rescued and adopted more than 75 street dogs from Cabo.

— Jeff Smith

La Grange, OH
Greg, who is now Duffy, joined our family in October 2019. He is simply the sweetest, most lovable little guy! Even though he’s tiny, he loves hiking and playing outside for hours on end. When you’re sitting down, you can expect him to be curled up, snuggling on your lap. We truly couldn’t imagine our home without our constant and loyal companion, and we’re grateful to you for making it possible!

— Becky Ringler

We adopted Marley in June of 2019. I think we’ve had him exactly a year yesterday! Marley is the BEST! We love him so much. He is so sweet, loyal, and smart. We couldn’t have asked for a better dog! His only fault is he sheds SO much. We overlook that because we love him SO much

— Donelle O’Connor

We adopted Akiko, now Chili, in 2016. Originally we had looked at a dog at a shelter in Battle Creek, but it wasn’t a match. We were in Battle Creek and decided to drive over to Kalamazoo to Animal Rescue Project to see if they had any small dogs available. That afternoon I met Chili and she stayed on my lap while I filled out the adoption application! Less than a week later we brought her home, and she has been an absolute angel. We love her so much! She came from Kentucky, about 3 years old, and was already house trained. She is 8 lbs. of love. So thankful for Animal Rescue Project.

— Cindy LaBaza

I adopted Miss Khloe, formerly Aries, from Animal Rescue Project in the summer of 2012. She’s been my best friend for 8 years and has been such a healthy and good girl! She’s beginning to show signs of age—I’m guessing she’s around 12, I never knew her actual age—and is turning into a little grump! But she’s still my sweet and loyal girl. I’m so thankful to Animal Rescue Project for all they do for these beautiful animals!

— Jennifer Snyder

River is now approximately 16 weeks old. She loves zoomies, chewies and cuddling with her people. She also loves giving kisses, sniffing out moles underground, and learning behaviors and commands (because there are treats). We couldn't have asked for a better fit for our family.

— Denise Hargreaves

This is Bodie (Bradley before we adopted him). We adopted Bodie from Animal Rescue Project as a puppy in February 2019. Bodie likes soft blankets, morning snuggles, bouncy balls, and he’s a really good boy

— Deb Poirier

This is Benji, adopted April 18, 2020. We love him SO MUCH!!!!

— Kristi Tullis

Hi! I'm Millie (Vanity) adopted in Oct. 2017. My favorite things are going to the big park near my house and chasing tennis balls, then coming home for a night of snuggles. Thanks Animal Rescue Project for helping me find my home. I'm very loved! ♡

— Sarah Kuhn


This is our little boy, Jack. We rescued him as a foster failure almost 4 years ago. We had recently lost all 3 of our Senior pups in a short period of time and decided to foster a few puppies. We had 3 of the G litter- Geoff, George and Garth. Geoff became Jack and we have been loving him immensely every day!

One of his siblings had a doggy DNA test, and we learned they are Boxer, Terrier, and Swiss Shepherd mix. We decided that the side of his head with the floppy ear is his Terrier side and the side with the standing up ear is his Swiss Shepherd side. 😃

He is a bundle of love!

Jack will be 4 years old in July.

— Cathy Roffe

This is Birdie! She was “Quintessa” in a litter of boxer hound mix puppies back in September when we adopted her! How could we find her siblings? It would be so fun for them to see each other again! Thank you for giving us our sweet girl!

— Chrissy Brege


This is Mowgli! He was Jingles at ARP, from the J litter around the holidays in 2016, adopted on New Year’s Eve. He was the last puppy left from his litter, and I think the one who was most shy, when I adopted him. He’ll be 4 in October, and is still pretty shy, but he is the sweetest pup. He was 12 pounds when I adopted him and is just over 40 now full grown.

He’s my best pal and is the smartest dog I’ve ever met. Loves walks, naps, snacks, zooming around the house and outside (he’s FAST!), cuddling, sunbathing in the yard, playing tag and hide and seek, sleeping under the covers, and guarding the house. Does NOT like going to the vet, taking pills, baths, car rides, or strangers near his house.

We bought a house with a big, fenced back yard that connects to a 4 mile trail about a year and a half ago and I joke that I bought the house for him (only half joking!). He has loved hanging out with me all day every day and going on tons of walks during COVID this spring!

Thanks so much for giving me my best friend!

— Jess Smith (& Mowgli)

I adopted Bruiser in 2013 when he was 1 year old. His name was Preston at the time, but now that is his middle name. He is the most loyal dog you could ask for. I am so lucky to have him as my best friend! I always encourage friends & family to adopt at Animal Rescue Project because Bruiser is one of the greatest blessings in my life!

— Becca Sloan

Hello! I wanted to send you an update on our wonderful pup, Molly. Molly, formerly Willow of the May 2019 black and white litter, is a very busy bee of a dog. She loves her kids and her kitty companions. We did a doggie DNA test on Molly. At adoption, we were told that she was likely a hound/terrier mix. The results showed that she is about 70% Border Collie, and a mix of Retriever and Catahoula Leopard Dog to make up the remaining 30%! She has gone through an amazing training program and is working hard on minding her manners. She walks perfectly on a loose leash. She is funny and happy and sweet. A fun playmate and a giant snuggle bug. We are so happy that she is part of our family.

— Elizabeth Spreitzer

This is Captain, formally known as Jedi. We welcomed him on June 21st 2014. He lives with his canine pal Lilly, 2 cats and 4 humans He loves everyone and loves to snuggle. Thank you ARP.

— Jamie Bolton

Miss Daisy
Miss Daisy
I adopted Miss Daisy on February 17, 2020. She has brought incredible joy, love, and excitement into my life. She enjoys long walks, running, swimming, and spending time with people and puppies. She is the best work from home buddy I could wish for! She is thriving in her new environment.

— Morgan Rogalke

We got Jonathon on March 16th at the start of quarantine. In 100 days he's grown quite a bit. His name is now Otis and he is a smart little cookie. He knows how to sit, lie down and stand, shake, high 5 and give me 10, roll over, spin and turn. He is a tunnel expert and working on weave poles. He was called a beagle dachshund mix, and as you would expect with a shelter pup, you can see there is very little, if any, of those breeds in him. He has been a source of fun and laughter and we were very luck to add this little lad to our pack. Thank you ARP.

— Kim Kimmey


Last March, ARP brought a dog to our roller derby bout, as they have for every bout for the past several years. I always stop to visit the pups and the volunteers, but something was different about Cassie. I always want to take them all home, I’m a dog person, but I needed to help Cassie. I knew she had to come home with me.

She’s sweet, goofy, lazy most of the time, but full of energy when she’s excited. She loves camping, snuggling, going for walks or runs and peanut butter.

She dislikes getting her toenails clipped, baths and being more than 5 feet away from her “Mom”.

I am so thankful we found this sweet girl, she’s a perfect fit for our family. ❤️

— Katie Coffman

Cookie, Bella, and Boogie
Cookie, Bella, and Boogie

The big is Cookie formerly Whitney adopted from ARP in April 2015. She turned 5 on January 23. She’s a good pup!!!

The little is Bella, a rescue from abuse in Long Beach California. Not sure her age. When she first arrived she’d cower when approached. That doesn’t happen anymore!!!

The black kitty Is Boogie formerly Baghera adopted from ARP September 2014. Best kitty ever!! Silky fur!!

The box kitty is Brutus formerly Ira. He was adopted from ARP in August 2015. He was a great kitty and snuggle bud with both Cookie and Boogie. Unfortunately he passed away In 2019 from a ruptured intestine. Sad sad day. We miss him so much. I asked God to provide him with plenty of good boxes

— Jan Clark


We adopted our fur-ever best friend on March 16th, 2020. Although he originally responded to Elvis, followed by Finnegan for about one year, he has settled in nicely with his new name, Scotch.

Today, Scotch enjoys many walks, naps in the sunshine, and hours of fun in our fenced-in backyard. He is so loved and we are forever grateful to Animal Rescue Project for finding us our best friend.

— Jay & Bree Gladstone


My husband and I adopted Murphy (formerly Moo-Moo) in November of 2019 from Animal Rescue Project in Kalamazoo, and he has been the best addition to our little family. Murphy is currently living in the Twin Cities and having the best time! Over the last 8 months we have discovered that some of Murphy's favorite things are peanut butter, squirrels and bunnies, hiking in new places, and swimming! We are so thankful for the dedication and hard work that the Animal Rescue Project Team puts in each and every day to make sure all of these animals can find their forever homes. If it weren't for you we never would have met Murphy, and we hope that your positive impact continues far into the future. We can't wait to adopt from ARP again!

Here is a picture of Murphy on his very first pontoon ride in northern Michigan! He loved it.

— Jaclyn Stone

Boo!, formerly Deb, was an adoption event failure for Louwrens and I (we never even made it to foster failure 😜). We took her to an event in June 2019 at Wax Wings Brewing and after we spent the whole day with her we just couldn’t take her back to the shelter! She is just the sweetest little dog, and totally living her best life with her doggie brothers.

— Stephanie Wildschut


Cooper, formerly Astro, was adopted in October 2017, a few months after we lost our very first dog. He was (and still is) the best dog for us, his smile is infectious! His favorite thing in the world is car rides, and he is happy to be going wherever we are going. He is the pup that inspired us to become volunteers!

Thanks for all you did for our pups while they were with you, and all you do for all the animals in your care ❤️

— Stephanie Wildschut


This is Ziggy (formerly spelled Zygi). She loves running in her yard and cuddling on the couch with her family.

We love her!

— The O'Dells


I adopted Neville (formerly Gander) in November 2019. The staff at ARP are so great and recommended he might be a good fit for me. When I first interacted with him, he was incredibly shy and nervous with no interest in treats or toys, but by the end of the 20 min I sat with him, he had plopped down next to me on the floor - just enough to let me know it was ok to pet him but in a way that made it seem like he didn’t care.

Neville is such a different dog today (July 2020)! His fur has grown back where it was missing in patches, and his coat is so shiny and healthy compared to when I got him in November. He is playful, mischievous, and affectionate. He loves going to the dog park, especially Prairie View’s wooded section, and will play with about any dog, big or small. He has more toys than I’d care to admit and loves to play fetch and tug-of-war. Since I’ve been working from home, I find he always wants to be near me – either cuddled up next to me on the couch or curled up in a dog bed next to my desk. I can’t imagine what life would be without him – he’s such a character with ears as big as his attitude – and everyone who meets him falls in love with him.

I’ve attached a few pictures (and a video of one of his cutest habits). Thanks again for caring for these animals until they find their furever homes. All they need is a little compassion and love!

— Emily Dasen

Hello, this is Brittany Pestoor, Mommy of Max. We adopted him on April 11, 2020. He is now almost 9 months old and 60 lbs. He weighed 23lbs when we adopted him. He is such a happy growing boy and a perfect fit for my husband and me. He is totally potty trained, he pretty much was a couple weeks after adopting him. He LOVES to play and CHEW on all his toys. We caved and he now sleeps in bed with us. He is seriously the biggest cuddle bug! His first day at Camp Fido is July 30th, I think we will do that a couple times a week! We will be attending doggy school in September for the beginner class at Kalamazoo Dog Training Club! All in all, Max is our best bud and we love him so stinking much! I am so happy we were the people you chose to adopt him. I can’t imagine our family without him.

— Brittany Pestoor

This is Phineas/Phinn (formerly Hayes) in his new home. He is a shy boy but very loving. My mom, Pat Reid, adopted him and absolutely adores him. He loves to cuddle and has regular play dates with my rescue dog Oliver. Thank you for all you do. He is a much loved pup, and my mom will give him the best life!

— Carrie Weber

I adopted Maisie (formerly, Amiyah) in December of 2019. She had been overlooked because she has no tail, but that made her stand out to me. After adopting her, we discovered she was also deaf which made her even more special to me. She has been the absolute best addition to my little fur family, and constantly makes me smile.

— Annie Morrison

Animal Rescue Project Logo. Depicts a silhouette of a dog and cat within a red and white lifesaver buoy.

Animal Rescue Project focuses on saving at-risk pets in pound facilities. We save homeless pets, one at a time, give them medical care and a safe temporary home, and provide responsible adoption services to those seeking pets.

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Contact Us

Animal Rescue Project
219 Peekstok
Kalamazoo, MI 49001
Monday - Friday: 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Saturday: 11:00am to 4:00 pm
Sunday: Closed